Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week 27/28/29/29.5

  • Sleep: I'm needing a lot of it these days. I'm getting more tired than ever. Ever since the third trimester hit, the exhaustion came back in waves.
  • Exercise: Lots of walks with DB, but moving my body around as a whole is getting more difficult.
  • Cravings/Aversions: Nothing in particular, although I've told myself no more bad eating. Slight cravings for fruit and cake come and go.
  • Weight: 23 lbs+ ...although I haven't weighed myself in a week or so
  • Pregnancy Symptom I'm not loving: All of them! I'm a little over being pregnant at this point. Don't know how I'm going to make it 10 more weeks! The aches and pains are what gets me the most. That plus the extra weight gain is really putting stress on my body as a whole.
  • What I am looking forward to: Giving birth! But in the near future, getting through my busiest season at work. It technically will end on March 20, but I know it will be busy until I step out for maternity leave.
  • Think it's funny that: Everyone feels the need to point out that I LOOK pregnant when they see me. All the time. Everyday. And I'm constantly told by my co-workers that each day I look bigger than the day before. Thanks friends!
  • Favorite Moment this week: Leaving work early to come home and sleep one day. It really helped!
  • My Doctor Says: I met my new doctor (my old one moved to Dallas to have a baby of her own) and she was very nice but very frank. She told me to keep an eye on my weight gain. While it's ok right now, she doesn't want it exploding over the final 10 weeks. Also, she told me I don't have to eat meat! Yeah!!
  • And last but not least: DB and I took a few classes last week and have one more lined up. First up was a BabyCare Basics class. Ugh what a waste! It was boring, uninformative and just plain useless. It definitely left a bad taste in our mouths. Next up was a Breastfeeding Informational class...this class was great! Speedy, super helpful and I feel like we both really learned a lot. Next is birthing...well see how that goes...

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