Monday, October 24, 2011

Baby B: 6 month check-in

Blake has reached that half-year mark! I can't believe how fast it's all gone by, but at the same time, it feels like we've known her forever. Here's the 411 about the little lady:

Height - 25.5 inches (50%)
Weight - 17.12 lbs (75%)
Head Size - 43 cm (75% - Dr jokes that her weight is all brains!)

Overall personality - Blake is a really happy baby who is often smiling as big as her face will allow. She's very flirty, very social and a lot of fun. She likes to meet new people, but only when there's others that she knows around her. When she's in full play mode, she LOVES attention and will often squeal or fake cough if your attention goes elsewhere. She knows when she is having her picture taken, because she will almost always immediately pose.

Milestones - In the last two months, she's gone from kinda just laying there to rolling both directions and sitting unsupported. She's already showing signs of wanting to pull herself up. and she can working on a little scoot around while she's on her tummy. She's also enjoying the hiney scoot when she's in a sitting position. If you put a toy out of her reach, watch out, because she'll find a way to get it.

Teeth - None yet, which the doctor said was a good thing. She's drools a ton and gnaws on everything, so don't know how much longer she'll be toothless and don't really care, as long as she's happy!

Day-to-Day - She usually spends most of the day laughing, reading and playing with us, in her exersaucer or jumper. She naps 2-3x a day and she'll usually goes to bed by 6:30-7pm and sleeps around 12-13 hours a night.

Solid Foods - B has been chomping up her solid foods twice a day. She's had several fruits and veggies with her rice cereal and around month 7, we'll start introducing meats and cheeses. I've had a really easy time preparing all of her foods fresh for her.

Playtime - Blake loves to play. If she could play all day, she would. She loves the exersaucer especially. She also likes being outside and being an "airplane". She has started to really enjoy toys that make noise or light up...especially anything that resembles a cell phone or that she can easily grab and stick in her mouth.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Baby B: 4 month check-in

Holy cow! Where does the time go? I know I haven't updated The Barney Blog except for once since little Baby B arrived, but (our new) life is finally starting to feel normal again. So here's the monthly check-in. Blake is now 4 months old and her little personality is really starting to shine through. At the doctor today, she's weighed 14lbs 7 oz, was 23 3/4" inches long and has a head circumference for 42 1/4 cm. Not sure what any of that means, but basically she's right in the middle for height and weight and is close to the 90th percentile for head size. Oh how we love our little bobblehead!

She's a pretty good sleeper and will sleep about 10 hours a night (which she's thankfully been doing since week 7) and occasionally will wake up chattering in the middle of the night. That only happens about once a week and most of the time we sleep through it. She also rarely wakes up crying in the morning. We only know she's awake because she'll be talking up a storm on the monitor and most of the time I sleep through that! She's always happy to see us in the morning is pretty patient waiting for her morning bottle.

Speaking of bottles, she's up to about 34 oz of formula a day. Basically one 8.5oz bottle every 4.5-5 hours. We keep her on a pretty tight schedule with the feedings and the doctor wants us to start on solids pretty soon. I'm thinking later this week she'll get her first taste of rice cereal.

She loves to spend time in her jumper and is constantly laughing and talking to us. She loves snuggling with a soft cloth and her paci. Overall she's super mellow and will only complain if she's hungry or tired.

Some new accomplishments for her -- she seems to like holding her bottle when it's not too full and heavy and drinking a teeny bit from her sippy cup. We gave it to her for the first time yesterday and she went nuts trying to get the water out of it. She'll also roll over occasionally, but only if she's in the mood. Quite the diva about it actually.

She drools a ton, which the doctor relates to her "thinking" about her teeth starting to pop through.

Other than that, we've been blessed with a happy, healthy, content little munchkin. We're having such fun! More updates as I remember them

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Baby B has arrived!!

Introducing Blake O'Mara Barney
Born April 23, 2011 at 9:26am
7 lbs, 13 oz. - 20 3/4"

The delivery was long but a total breeze compared to the first few weeks of being a new parent. We love our little munchkin and can't believe she's already nearly a month old!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Week 38

  • Sleep: I was doing better this week.  Just tons of sleep, but then last night I only got about 2 hours.
  • Exercise: Some walking here and there, but it's really hard for me to move my body at all at this point
  • Cravings/Aversions: Baby has started dropping and in turn, I now want to eat just about anything.  I'm also trying to eat all the bad stuff I can before I have to be good again.
  • Weight: 41 lbs+
  • Pregnancy Symptom I'm not loving: Name something about pregnancy and I'm probably fed up with it at this point
  • What I am looking forward to: Dilating!
  • Think it's funny that: People are surprised I haven't popped yet. Oh and they've started a pool at work, wagering on when she'll make her big debut.
  • Favorite Moment this week(s): This is weird, but I was pretty excited when I was having regular contractions and the doctor told me to come in for a labor check.  I thought it was too good to be true...and it was.  I was sent home after 2 hours of no dilation.
  • My Doctor Says: I'm about the same as last week, although baby has started to drop, so that's good. She also doesn't think I'll go past my due date, but who really knows???
  • On another note: I got to meet my new little nephew this week.  Baby Ryland was born on Monday at 6:30pm.  Now he's just waiting patiently to meet his cousin!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Week 37

  • Sleep: zzzzzzzz....huh, sleep? What's that? Sleep is currently my best friend and biggest enemy.  As in, I'm not getting any, but want it real bad.
  • Exercise: Eh, not a lot.  I try to walk, but I move slower than mud.  Maybe this weekend.
  • Cravings/Aversions: Milk is pretty good for when I wake up at 3am and can't sleep.  Other than that, I've been getting hungry but not really wanting anything.
  • Weight: 40 lbs+...real hot
  • Pregnancy Symptom I'm not loving: Still not loving being so large and in charge.  Definitely don't like that I can't bend over.  Also, hate rolling myself outta bed.  Oh yeah AND the constant peeing.
  • What I am looking forward to: The next dr appt and finally finishing up the little lady's room. I've been too tired to tackle this head-on.
  • Think it's funny that: I'm so big.  It's really ridiculous at this point.
  • Favorite Moment this week(s): I had moment of zen this week, where I realized I shouldn't be in a such a rush to get baby out.  I should enjoy these last few weeks, because once she's here, that's it.  There's no turning back.  I've been trying to spend more time with DB and enjoy the bits of peace and quiet we have left.  Bake a little longer if you wish Baby B...just bake away from my bladder, please!
  • My Doctor Says: Oh man, well I'm about 1.5 cm dilated and 30% effaced.  Progress since last week.  She's measuring about 10 days ahead of her due date in terms of size and call Guinness because I could be birthing the world's largest baby.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Week 36

  • Sleep: I'm pretty much getting no sleep these days. Mainly between the constant peeing and overall discomfort, there's not a lot of shuteye happening here.
  • Exercise: A few evening walks with DB here and there, but not a whole lot.
  • Cravings/Aversions: Nothing really.  Just food in general.  Although I made the mistake of eating really, really spicy food this week and it nearly destroyed me for a whole day.
  • Weight: 37.5 lbs+...this week it was all baby gaining
  • Pregnancy Symptom I'm not loving: The pure discomfort in everything I do.
  • What I am looking forward to: Getting some sleep tonight...fingers crossed.
  • Think it's funny that: People look at me like I'm some sort of circus attraction.
  • Favorite Moment this week(s): Making it through another week.  That just means I'm one step closer.
  • My Doctor Says: She confirmed what I've long baby is a little baker and will probably be hanging out in there for a little while longer.  She's not ready for her big debut.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Week 35

  • Sleep: I get up almost at the exact same times each night to pee.  Midnight-ish, between 3-4am, and around 6:30-7am.
  • Exercise: No. Giving my body a break from the hell I just put it through
  • Cravings/Aversions: BBQ potato chips and salad with vinaigrette...not ranch
  • Weight: 37lbs+...I gained 5 lbs in a 10 days. My doc says it's all fluid and I believe it.
  • Pregnancy Symptom I'm not loving: The swelling.  Nothing fits anymore, anywhere.
  • What I am looking forward to: Hitting full term next week and my baby shower.
  • Think it's funny that: I've now gotten so big. So big that it's almost comical.
  • Favorite Moment this week(s): Getting to see our little lady! We got the final ultrasound today.  Baby B is measuring around 6.5 lbs with about 5 weeks to go, so she's going to be big.  She's got big, chubby cheeks, DB's nose and my mouth.  OH and DB's grouchy expression. 
  • My Doctor Says: Everything is right on track and uncomfortable as expected!
  • And last but not least: We got a TON of stuff last week from my brother and sister-in-law.  So thankful for that.  Baby B's going to be dressed to the nines for the first year of life. No doubt.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Week 30/31/32/33/34

  • Sleep: Some nights it's insomnia.  Some nights I'm dead to the world.  Most nights I'm snoring louder than anyone ever should.  All night I'm in and out of the bathroom.
  • Exercise: The last two weeks have totally consumed me with SXSW going on.  I got way more walking/exercise than I should of and my body definitely hit many breaking points
  • Cravings/Aversions: Starting to want salads pretty often and be turned off by bad foods, although sweets still get me.  And I love a glass of ice.
  • Weight: 31ish lbs+...I just weigh myself at the doctor these days
  • Pregnancy Symptom I'm not loving: My sheer size.  It's really hard to move around at all and I've got the pregnancy waddle down to a science at this point.
  • What I am looking forward to: Still looking forward to giving birth and next week I'll be getting my final ultrasound.
  • Think it's funny that: Everyone wants to touch my belly and talk about baby.  I mean everyone. Also, men are much more weary of me, whereas all women want to talk and sympathize with me.  So much for those men hitting on me at the beginning!
  • Favorite Moment this week(s): SXSW ending!  Now things have died down considerably and I can really just get ready for my maternity leave
  • My Doctor Says: Everything looks and sounds perfect (knock on wood).  I had to stay overnight at the hospital last week because I had a minor fender bender and I went there just to be safe.  My uterus was contracting and I wad dehydrated, so they packed me full of fluids, monitored me and then sent me on my way.
  • And last but not least: Walking around during SXSWeek nearly sent me straight to bedrest, but I survived and am starting to feel like myself again.  But in the meantime, take a gander at my legs one night during the festival.  It looks like I'm wearing a fat suit they're so swollen.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week 27/28/29/29.5

  • Sleep: I'm needing a lot of it these days. I'm getting more tired than ever. Ever since the third trimester hit, the exhaustion came back in waves.
  • Exercise: Lots of walks with DB, but moving my body around as a whole is getting more difficult.
  • Cravings/Aversions: Nothing in particular, although I've told myself no more bad eating. Slight cravings for fruit and cake come and go.
  • Weight: 23 lbs+ ...although I haven't weighed myself in a week or so
  • Pregnancy Symptom I'm not loving: All of them! I'm a little over being pregnant at this point. Don't know how I'm going to make it 10 more weeks! The aches and pains are what gets me the most. That plus the extra weight gain is really putting stress on my body as a whole.
  • What I am looking forward to: Giving birth! But in the near future, getting through my busiest season at work. It technically will end on March 20, but I know it will be busy until I step out for maternity leave.
  • Think it's funny that: Everyone feels the need to point out that I LOOK pregnant when they see me. All the time. Everyday. And I'm constantly told by my co-workers that each day I look bigger than the day before. Thanks friends!
  • Favorite Moment this week: Leaving work early to come home and sleep one day. It really helped!
  • My Doctor Says: I met my new doctor (my old one moved to Dallas to have a baby of her own) and she was very nice but very frank. She told me to keep an eye on my weight gain. While it's ok right now, she doesn't want it exploding over the final 10 weeks. Also, she told me I don't have to eat meat! Yeah!!
  • And last but not least: DB and I took a few classes last week and have one more lined up. First up was a BabyCare Basics class. Ugh what a waste! It was boring, uninformative and just plain useless. It definitely left a bad taste in our mouths. Next up was a Breastfeeding Informational class...this class was great! Speedy, super helpful and I feel like we both really learned a lot. Next is birthing...well see how that goes...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week 25/26/26.5

  • Sleep: Had some of the best sleep ever this week, but also had a few nights of being wide awake at 4am.  
  • Exercise: Last week I was in Park City, Utah, so I did a lot of hiking around at a higher altitude, which really wore me out.  This week DB and I did a few 30-45 minute walks around the neighborhood after work.
  • Cravings/Aversions: Still liking ice and really enjoying iced tea, but really I just want food in general
  • Weight: 21 lbs+
  • Pregnancy Symptom I'm not loving: The inability to bend over! Well, technically I can still bend over, but it's getting really, really uncomfortable.
  • What I am looking forward to: Putting up the finishing (yeah right) details on the nursery.  Lots of furniture in place, now just time for the little details, which hopefully won't take long...considering the room is very small.
  • Think it's funny that: Every stranger I meet wants to talk to me about BB.  Everyone is really nice about it, but it's a constant topic of conversation.
  • Favorite Moment this week: Getting the crib and other furniture in place.  Her room is going to be so adorable!
  • And last but not least: At the beginning of week 25, I went in for my glucose test and to be tested for anemia.  I passed the glucose test with no problem, but I am showing signs of anemia.  I've started on an iron supplement and if it doesn't get better after this week, I've got got consider eating beef again...for the first time in 6 years!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Week 23/24

  • Sleep: Ugh.  Been getting up way too early and not sleeping nearly enough.  This morning, I was woken up many times by baby tugging on me...ouch!
  • Exercise: I've been too cold and too tired to do anything out of the ordinary this week.
  • Cravings/Aversions: Crushed ice.  I love chomping on it, which is said to be a sign of anemia.  I'm getting a blood test next week with my doctor
  • Weight: 15 lbs+
  • Pregnancy Symptom I'm not loving: The extra weight! I feel like an obese person and when I go up stairs, I feel like I'm wearing leg weights.  I'll also get the pregnancy waddle from time-to-time.
  • What I am looking forward to: Finishing up that nursery.  We've only just begun, but I really like the way it's shaping up.
  • Think it's funny that: Time is flying! BB will be here before you know it!  It's also pretty surreal to be talking about baby showers...weird.
  • Favorite Moment this week: Seeing BB kick from the outside.  It was like seeing an alien inside me.  So strange!!
  • And last but not least: Interesting to note that this week - the doctor has started measuring my bump.  We measured at 24 centimeters, which is precisely where it should be.  Good work BB!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Week 21/22/22.5

  • Sleep: Pretty good so far, although I've woken up a few times in the middle of the night for hours on end. My favorite was waking up at 4am on Christmas morning/night, watching 16 and pregnant, eating a bag of peanut m&ms and then passing back out at 5am.
  • Exercise: Tons of walking around all over the place. Sometimes it makes me really tired and sometimes I'm totally fine. Generally, I'll need to sit more often than usual because my back will start to ache.
  • Cravings/Aversions: Getting over sweets, even though I'm still consuming them. Other than that, nothing too strong or crazy
  • Weight: 13 lbs+
  • Pregnancy Symptom I'm not loving: Growing pains! One night I woke up with so much pain around my uterus from the rapid expanding. Little lady isgrowing fast!! I think everyday I look a little bigger.
  • What I am looking forward to: Hitting weeks 24/25. That's when you reach pretty strong viability and should anything go totally crazy, the BB could survive outside the womb.
  • Think it's funny that: I haven't gained more weight. I'm right on track, which relieves me to no end, but I was always scared that I'd end up gaining massive amounts when I was preggo. Kinda enjoying this sped-up metabolism thing.
  • Favorite Moment this week: I enjoyed registering for the BB and I really love any chance I can get to buy her a little outfit. Trying to stop myself from overbuying on clothes. A common first-time momma mistake.
  • And last but not least: Here's a belly pic from New Year's phone quality.